Marathon to Rodriguez Key

So, yesterday did not go well, but today was a new day. While we have no air conditioning, everything that involves the propulsion of the boat works great. Today's journey was as uneventful as yesterday's was problematic. We arrived in Rodriguez Key and dropped our anchor, and are enjoying a beautiful evening in a serene spot.

We left Tuesday morning before sunrise. No idea the problems we had in store for us. While the sunrise was pretty, it was a pain going East all morning with the sun right in our faces.

While we were not in the best of moods when we arrived at Marathon due to our having to abort our trip to the Bahamas, I had to take a picture of Empty Nest. Life could be worse.

Were it not for the circumstances, we would have really enjoyed how pretty everything is in Marathon.

We saw quite a few wild iguanas all around. Glad it wasn't freezing where they fall out of the trees onto your head.

While I was on the boat with our mechanic dealing with stuff, Ann took a walk and visited the turtle hospital in Marathon. They rehab injured turtles until they can release them back into the wild.

Across from us at the marina was this giant catamaran. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's over 70 feet long and 30 feet wide. This same boat was docked next to us for a month in Key West.

On our way to Rodriguez Key we passed this little island with a house and a dock. Talk about being isolated. I wonder how they get their electricity? Either underwater cables or a generator. Maybe solar with wall batteries? Who knows.

The water in the keys is just stunning. Ann took this picture this afternoon.

This is one of my favorite pictures in a long time. I happened to notice the sunset reflecting off our entry door. Took a few test shots before capturing this one. I'm going to have to put this with the other 25 pictures in my top 5 all time.

I then turned around and took a direct shot of the sunset. 

Tomorrow, we head to Ft. Lauderdale to an industrial part of town where various technicians will try to fix our generator, our AC system, and everything else that was damaged in the 400 volt surge. Since we were told to expect the repair to take a while, we decided to leave and visit our good friends Matt & Kim in Orlando. Hopefully the repair won't take too long, and we can continue on our way to the Bahamas and then back up to Annapolis.


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