Day 2 - Solomons to Deltaville

When I was getting things ready this morning in Solomons, I looked out and was mesmerized by the view and took what I consider to be one of the best pictures I've ever taken. Shot with an iPhone 15 pro max.

This is totally getting printed, framed and hung on the wall in our house

I took another angle with the bow, but without the reflection, it's not as great. 

We wanted a ride of about 6 hours today, so we chose to stop at Deltaville, Virginia. It looked like it had some nice anchorages and was the right distance for an easy trip to Norfolk the next day. When we got close, I discovered that the channel was very narrow and surrounded by shallow water. Since it was calm, we opted to anchor out, away from the Jackson Creek channel and in the Piankatank River. Right now, five other boats have joined us in this beautiful anchorage.

Not much to do in Deltaville. We took the dinghy into "town" and let Gimel do his business, and we came back and cooked dinner on the boat.

The restaurants in Deltaville did not seem appealing, but I had to laugh at the misspelling of my sister's maiden name on the menu. I always knew Rachel was a turkey! (just kidding, you're a ham.)

Ann liked the view from our anchored spot and asked me to take a picture from the back of the boat. So peaceful.

And the day is ending in Deltaville much like it started in Solomons, just a little warmer, with a pretty sunset.

Sunset in Deltaville, VA

Tomorrow, we are going to Norfolk. Should be an easy 4 hour run, although boating does get complicated when you start to approach that area, with all the aircraft carriers, submarines, naval vessels, and commercial traffic. Sunday, we'll hit the ICW in earnest, destination Coinjock. Monday and Tuesday looks like rain, so we'll see what we decide to do. So far the weather has been ideal.


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